Corporate Entertainer

Hope For The Day

Last night I was the headliner at the Laugh At Life charity event for the Hope For The Day organization. All proceeds from the event went to suicide prevention and education.

This was an especially important event for me, as I just lost a close friend of mind to suicide last week. I was grateful to help raise money for such a great cause and do so in honor of my friend Jacob.

If you're interested, you can read more about my friend over on my other blog. He was a one-of-a-kind, generous person with an infectious personality. I'll truly miss him.

I always enjoy working charity events but this one was especially meaningful. Hopefully I'll get the chance to work with HFTD again in the future. 


I'm available for charity events worldwide. Contact me today for more information.

The Magic Penthouse

Tonight I performed at The Magic Penthouse, a new elite rooftop venue in downtown Chicago. The party was limited to 50 people who enjoyed an evening of food, drinks, and some dazzling entertainment from four of the finest magicians in Chicago - including myself!

Strolling Mind Reading is an incredible ice breaker. It captures the attention of even the most skeptical observer and is the perfect conversation starter.

Throughout the night, you could hear pockets of laughter and amazement echoing from room to room. My Private Party Entertainment serves as a catalyst for fun. As people experience the impossible the party takes on a life of its own.

This is where I excel. My job at these rooftop parties is to show small groups of people "something they've never seen before and something they'll never see again." It's entertainment designed to impress everyone - even the skeptics!

If you need to "wow the cynics" then you've come to the right place. Contact me today for more info! 

Supreme Court Of Texas

Tonight I entertained for the Supreme Court of Texas. They hold an annual event called "Free Speech" to honor the justices and clerks for their work throughout the year.

The event was held at Sullivan's in Austin, TX for a group of 75 people. After dinner I amazed the guests with 45 minutes of fast-paced mind reading.

I love performing for groups this size because nearly everyone in the audience gets to be involved in the performance. By the end of tonight's show about 30 people had assisted with some facet of my show.

Tomorrow it's back to Chicago but first enjoy a few pictures from my time in Austin!

Need impressive entertainment for the hard to impress? I'm here to help! Contact me now for more info.

NPSA International Congress

Last week I performed at the Neuropsychoanalysis Association's International Congress in Chicago. The NPSA contacted me earlier this year in hopes I could provide amazing entertainment for this year's congress on the topic of "Other Minds".

I was warned going in that the room would be full of psychologists, scientists, and skeptics. It would be a tough crowd. But I've always thought that the more skeptical a person is the more fun it is to amaze them.

I spent an hour doing strolling entertainment, followed by a brief 20 minute show. Following the performance I continued dazzling the attendees with mind reading up close.

After the event I received the following e-mail from my client:

Hi Mark, I just wanted to take a moment to thank you for your wonderful performance on Thursday night. We all had such a wonderful time being mystified by you. And I congratulate you on your courage performing in front of a group of skeptical scientists and psychoanalysts whose specialties are on understanding, if not reading, minds. We were enthralled.

Another successful event! If you're looking for unforgettable entertainment for a future event Contact Me Today.

Rave Review From MX

Here's a testimonial letter from a client I worked for last month. They were looking for Las Vegas Corporate Entertainment at the last minute and I was able to fit it into my schedule.

I provided strolling entertainment at The Chandelier Bar in the Cosmopolitan Hotel in Las Vegas. It was a fantastic event as you can see by the rave review the client sent over.

For information on how to book my corporate event entertainmentContact Me Today!