award winning mind reader

The Austonian - Austin, TX

Tonight's event was held at The Austonian in downtown Austin, TX. I was invited by the Texas State University Board of Regents to dazzle their board for their annual holiday event.

With 360 degree views of Austin, I performed my fast-paced after dinner show for a fun group of 80 people. It was a blast!

After the show, I watched the sun set in the distance - the end of another day and another successful show. No time to rest, though, I'm headed to NYC tomorrow!

Looking for a memorable corporate entertainer? Contact me for a free quote for your next event.

Wisconsin Riverside Resort - Spring Green, WI

Tonight's event was held in Spring Green, WI at the Wisconsin Riverside Resort. The event was the Winter Holiday Party for Cardinal IG.

I worked the tables during cocktail hour, followed by my full-length show following dinner. The people here are so friendly and made for another memorable night!

The views behind the resort were magnificent. I love getting to see so many parts of the country during my travels.

Another successful event!

Looking for unforgettable corporate entertainment? Contact me for more information!

Hotel ZaZa - Dallas, TX

Just wrapped another TOP SECRET corporate presentation at Hotel ZaZa in Dallas, TX.

This was part of a distributor meeting for a company and I was the featured entertainment. I was tasked with creating a custom presentation that would highlight a new product and make it memorable. 

Custom corporate entertainment is one of my favorite parts of the job. There's no better way to highlight your message than by combining it with something unforgettable - AKA my award-winning entertainment.

If you're looking for exciting ways to increase your ROI or highlight your message, contact me today!

Award Winning Corporate Entertainment


GigMasters just presented me with the "2014 Rising Star Award" for being the "Top Booked Mind Reader in the US & Canada". Thank you to everyone who trusted me to provide you with my brand of world-class entertainment over the past year!

So what's next?

Well, I'm continuing to write, rehearse, and create so I can bring major companies a brand of entertainment they can't find anywhere else. Your events deserve the best and I aim to keep innovating so you can bring me back year after year to delight, amaze, and impress your guests.

In the meantime, help me spread the word. If you've used me for an event in the past let some of your colleagues know. Some favorable word-of-mouth referrals go a long way.

For more information on how to bring my Award Winning Corporate Entertainment to your next event, Contact Us Today!