mind reader

April 8 Pocatello ID

Tonight I performed at the Shoshone Bannock Hotel and Casino in Pocatello, ID. I was invited by the Leadership Pocatello-Chubbock to provide unforgettable entertainment for their annual fundraiser.

The event was held in a beautiful ballroom at the hotel. The show was completely SOLD OUT and I learned that it was one of their most successful events ever!

As usual, I presented my full-length show after dinner, then provided walk around entertainment following the performance.

I also took the time to put together a video of my trip to Idaho. It was too gorgeous not to! You can watch the video below:

Let's make your next event truly unforgettable - contact me for a free quote!

Best of FRIGID New York City

I just wrapped an incredible two weeks in New York City performing at the 2017 FRIGID Festival.

I was excited to be one of 30 shows to perform as part of this year's festival. I performed five shows, including three completely SOLD OUT performances.

I also received a fantastic review from Theatre Is Easy including possibly my favorite pull-quote of all time:

In these moments of storytelling and introspection, beautifully crafted monologues that would find a home in a Tennessee Williams script, Toland exposes a sincerity and vulnerability that only heightens the sense of wonder his illusions spark.
— Theatre Is Easy

Performing at a festival in New York was an intimidating experience. I was curious to see if my show would be well-received by the cynical NY audiences and if it would hold up against other shows at the festival.

Not only did it hold up but I received nothing but rave reviews for the whole festival! Plus, I was picked as one of the "Best of Fest" shows and received an "Audience Choice" award. 

This is the start of "The Mystery Tour" - a six city tour that will be taking me all over North America this summer. What a great way to start the tour!